
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
8th August 2024
Windsurfing: Levington Wind Direction: WSW then SW Wind Stength: 10/25 Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: sunny periods Max Speed: 18.82 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 20.25 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Thursday 8th August – Windsurf *** River Orwell at Levington – sunny
Foil – 18.82 knot max , 17.57 knot ave, 11.76 knot hour, 16.16 knot
mile, 32.84 km., 13.71 knot alpha.
Starboard Freeride 150 and a Severne 1000 with a Tushingham Storm 6.5 and
I was not sure about today with high tide mid afternoon with the wind
increasing I was thinking of heading to The Manor early but the wind was
offshore and light so did my exercises in the back garden. HHA (Landguard
live weather) is playing up, once you look at it the live data dosen,t
update so you have no idea whats going on. Then the wind switched to wsw
and increased so I made lunch, yummy egg sandwiches and we headed over to
Levington as didn’t fancy a bumpy open sea session with the tide high,
Mag came and Robert was there two:) I stopped again by the two fields of
wild flowers including sunflowers to take some pics, they looked better
today as there was more blue in the sky, I was lucky enough to get one of
the photos on ITV’s About Anglia, Aisling loved it:) Mag decided to walk
from here as I continued down to the marina where there was a good breeze
blowing from the WSW, enough for me to rig 5.2, that was actually smaller
than Robert rigged! I headed out and did get flying briefly a few times I
was way under powered, lighter Robert was going much better, I slowly made
way way to the corner where it looked windier but it was still patchy so I
decided to head back to change sails. I had lunch hoping the wind would
sort its self out but it was still down so I took a chance with my 6.5, I
know that would make the wind pick up and pick up it most certainly did!
The wind had switched to the sw being particularly strong on the corner I
decided to head up to Pin Mill hoping it would be a lighter lighter, the
water was certainly flatter and I did make it to Nacton Shores a couple of
times but the wind was extremely patchy here. SW is not the fastest
direction here not helped by being overpowered in places, Robert had
disappeared for awhile and returned with his 4m. So while I go in and rig
bigger he goes smaller, I will get it right one day:) I should have stuck
with my 5.2 but the 6.5 made for some interesting runs! It was lumping up a
little and this being my 4th session in a row I decided to call it a day. I
packed up quickly and we picked the lovely Maeva up for a few hours, she is
such fun:) The sun then disappeared and we actually got some much needed
Photo Album here
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